Should warm up a little by the time I head out the door in ~40 minutes, but it’s still going to be f*ing cold! I know, I know … #9 … HTFU … but I still hate riding in the cold.
First really cold ride of the season – up north!
Down Under, we’re coming into our “First really hot ride of the season”
Yesterday morning, 22’C overnight low and it’s not summer yet!
I think the cold fraternity here are talking F, mostly, except when folk are talking C.
November 19, 2018 9:03 pm
Here in WI it was 30 degrees yesterday with a brisk west wind. 40 miles in and I felt ok. Feet got cold but other than that. Lakes are beginning to freeze up so I’ll be riding the fat bike on them when the roads get too nasty/icy/snowy.
Yesterday’s ride: Garmin on route went down to 2° while forecast was around 6. But dry and sunny. Only got cold feet, never have that, even when skiing. Must have been because it was a longer ride.
It’s still boiling (by my standards) around here. Unseasonably so. I commute a very short distance to work most days (around 5k) so I tend to throw waterproofs over my work clothes in autumn/winter. And then arrive at work drenched in sweat. Urgh.
I do not mind the cold; I did a 2 degree (that’s Celsius, for metric system y’all) ride week before last and no probs. I for me do not like rain. It’s not the being wet I do not like, it’s the getting wet.
I’m fine with getting caught out by the rain but it’s really hard to set off in the rain. Though for sub zero/frost days it’s off road (or infront of a log fire) for me after a certain incident with @ChrisO.
Proper cold in the UK this morning. 10C colder than last week, ‘hands-hurt-even-with-gloves’ type cold.
Love it.
First really cold ride of the season – up north!
Down Under, we’re coming into our “First really hot ride of the season”
Yesterday morning, 22’C overnight low and it’s not summer yet!
I’m missing the Summer we had in the UK already.
Cold – are we talking F or C?
Distance – M or Km?
Vertical – Feet or meters?
Humidity – Absolute, Relative or Specific?
Please confirm
I think the cold fraternity here are talking F, mostly, except when folk are talking C.
Here in WI it was 30 degrees yesterday with a brisk west wind. 40 miles in and I felt ok. Feet got cold but other than that. Lakes are beginning to freeze up so I’ll be riding the fat bike on them when the roads get too nasty/icy/snowy.
Yesterday’s ride: Garmin on route went down to 2° while forecast was around 6. But dry and sunny. Only got cold feet, never have that, even when skiing. Must have been because it was a longer ride.
It’s still boiling (by my standards) around here. Unseasonably so. I commute a very short distance to work most days (around 5k) so I tend to throw waterproofs over my work clothes in autumn/winter. And then arrive at work drenched in sweat. Urgh.
I do not mind the cold; I did a 2 degree (that’s Celsius, for metric system y’all) ride week before last and no probs. I for me do not like rain. It’s not the being wet I do not like, it’s the getting wet.
I’m fine with getting caught out by the rain but it’s really hard to set off in the rain. Though for sub zero/frost days it’s off road (or infront of a log fire) for me after a certain incident with @ChrisO.
Haha, yes…
I feel exactly the same way about the rain. Starting out is hard but if it starts when you’re already riding it’s not so awful.
Yep! knowingly rolling out the driveway in rain sucks. If rain hits mid ride, awesome!
P.S. That’s degree F not C. But still F*Ck!
If it was C it would have been decidedly warm (well for the UK anyway) but as @MangoDave pointed out it probably resulted in no socks on show……….
In °C this would be the hottest day ever measured in Reykjavík (Iceland)…