Riding with AFib (atrial fibrillation)
Since I know most of us are … ahem … in an older age demographic, I thought this might be of interest. Turns out I have AFib. Have probably had it and not known about it for a while (maybe a couple of years). No symptoms. In good shape and good health (pass with flying colors at my yearly physical). But I have AFib. Glad I discovered it so I can do something about it. https://pezcyclingnews.com/features/riding-with-afib-atrial-fibrillation/
Here’s the URL for my article as an actual link (I thought I did that, but I guess I didn’t):
G’day Chuck!
I’d really like to converse with you regarding AFIB as a competitive cyclist, as I suffered from the 70’s as a primary student to the mid 80’s when I started to race, to now, just to compare progress. Please let me know your preferred contact details.
Thanks OTR for providing this personal sharing!
Hi Rod!
You can email me at: the_penas at yahoo dot com. Not sure where you’re at (but G’day makes me think Australia), but if in the US we can certainly chat via phone.
Going in for ablation on Wednesday. Been told no strenuous exercise for 10 days and after that I can ease back into it.
Very Best Wishes!
I know a few people, athletes and non-athletes, who have had Ablation procedures which sorted their Afib. One was an older non athlete who had had a load of problems for some years but for a number of reasons (mostly of their own causing it has to be said) they had not been diagnosed with AFib. Once they were diagnosed and had an Ablation procedure their issues were resolved.