Took the Hollands out for a spin over the Labor Day weekend. Lunch date ride with my wife to Island Time Bar & Grill at Columbia Island Marina. Great fish tacos! For those of you not familiar with Babylon on the Potomac, that’s the Pentagon in the background.
Well that worked. Did you reduce the size? I’ve just updated a few plugins but not sure I have control of the Media Library files size max – I do have control of the one for attachments to comments, which was the one I was thinking of.
OK ta. Will continue to look but at the moment there seems to be a pixel limit on the Media library of 1024 x 1024 but I’m sure I have uploaded larger and 2.8MB would be larger anyway. I think. Weird……
Always good to see your Hollands. Should get a date on my Stelbel this week now that Italy is back from their summer break.
Well that worked. Did you reduce the size? I’ve just updated a few plugins but not sure I have control of the Media Library files size max – I do have control of the one for attachments to comments, which was the one I was thinking of.
Yes. Lowered the quality of the pic so the file size was 2.8MB.
OK ta. Will continue to look but at the moment there seems to be a pixel limit on the Media library of 1024 x 1024 but I’m sure I have uploaded larger and 2.8MB would be larger anyway. I think. Weird……
Well the max file size in the Media Library Load is supposedly 64 Mb……………